March 3, 2021March 3, 2021Biblical Theology, Culture, Government, New Testament, Old Testament, Politics, Worldview Honoring God with the Lips but Hearts Far from God Defiance against the Creator in the U.S. Congress On February 25, 2021, the U.S. House of Representatives debated and then passed the […]
February 10, 2021February 10, 2021Biblical Theology, Culture, Government, New Testament, Old Testament, Politics, Worldview Living the Christian Life in a Time when God Judges Our Nation by Giving Us Evil Governing Authorities (Part 7) What follows flows organically from the things I posted in my last entry in this series on how we ought to pray […]
December 24, 2020December 24, 2020Advent, Biblical Theology, Christmas, New Testament, Old Testament Barren Conception: God’s Appointed Foreshadow of A Virgin’s Conception of the Son of God—A Christmas Meditation It is likely that most of us are so familiar with the Christmas story from the Gospels of Matthew and Luke that […]
December 12, 2020December 16, 2020Biblical Theology, New Testament, Old Testament, Worldview Does Not Nature Teach You? Among the many questions the Apostle Paul poses in his thirteen letters preserved in the New Testament, one least comprehended by this […]
November 19, 2020November 20, 2020Biblical Theology, New Testament, Old Testament, Uncategorized, Worldview Face Coverings, Shame, and Nakedness Earlier this week Doug Wilson posted “These Vast Reservoirs of Guilt.” The climax of his argument is this. What do you do […]
November 11, 2020November 13, 2020Biblical Theology, Evolution, Old Testament, Uncategorized, Worldview Of Sundials, Clocks, and Humans What is an analog? Though an analog resembles something else, like a copy of an original, regrettably the concept of an analog […]
November 3, 2020November 11, 2020Biblical Theology, Evolution, Neo-Platonism, New Testament, Old Testament, Uncategorized, Worldview God with Us (Part 2) Last week’s blog article closed with an expression of my deep and abiding conviction that a biblically grounded understanding of God’s self-revelation […]
October 27, 2020October 30, 2020Biblical Theology, New Testament, Old Testament, Worldview God with Us (Part 1) Of all the earthly delights and joys that I have savored throughout my years the one for which I am most grateful […]