The Creator’s Ordered Pattern of Work, Rest, & Play
Because my schedule has been focused on completing two significant presentations before taking a long-scheduled break from life’s ordinary routines, I have […]
Because my schedule has been focused on completing two significant presentations before taking a long-scheduled break from life’s ordinary routines, I have […]
Today, on the Christian Scholars Review blog Missing Good Friday: Forgetting to Teach Forgiveness, Perry Glanzer inquires, Can you imagine a culture […]
Click this link for an audio of the sermon–Holy Fear Versus Unholy Fright–the text of which was posted earlier this week.
Throughout the past two years, the religion of “Scientism” has dominated the world with medical bureaucrats who afflicted whole populations with terror […]
Who hasn’t been perplexed by the warning in Hebrews 6:4–8? For it is impossible, in the case of those who have once been […]
This singular statement, “Now Sarai was barren; she had no child” (Genesis 11:30), one could reasonably affirm, situates much if not all […]
With our recent celebration of the Lord’s incarnation and our passage into a new year, it is fitting to reflect on God […]
This is the fourth and final in a series of blog articles responding to Harrison Perkins’ November 30 article on The Heidelblog […]
This is the third in a series of blog articles that respond to Harrison Perkins’ November 30 article on The Heidelblog that […]
Last week, on December 1, I learned that The Heidelblog targeted my published essay, “Covenantal Life with God from Eden to Holy […]