Formerly a pastor, I became a university professor. For 28 years I served as Professor of New Testament & Greek at the University of Northwestern-St. Paul. I recently retired from fulltime teaching and now serve as an adjunct professor at UNW. I have written and published numerous essays on a wide range of topics for a variety of periodicals, journals, and books.
I have also written, contributed to, or edited several books. My principal field of study is the Greek New Testament, but I write and publish on diverse topics including current cultural issues.
My wife and I are avid world travelers. We have visited several European countries, Middle East nations, and the Far East countries also. We delight in spending time with our family, including our six grandchildren. I enjoy crafting wood projects, biking, reading, playing games with my wife.
I often write personal psalms in the form of those found in the Psalter. I post this one as I think of and pray for a friend who is now enduring a time of difficulty and pain in God’s providence.
On June 1, World Magazine published Carl Trueman’s article, “Welcome to Pride Month, Christian.” Trueman concludes his opinion piece with this paragraph. […]